Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > the one essence welcoming presence


Our heart ~ welcoming to all

widow open in the silences

Oct 2, 2019

Saying For Today: So, entering the silences, in Silence, be there as one with all, seen and unseen, before and now and to be, and this knowledge of togetherness will enrich the hushed abidings wherein you inhale the breath of Life.

We are one part of a whole, so our aloneness is enriched in remembrance of our togetherness with all, seen and unseen. Solitude is one expression of that communion, birthless, deathless, Life. Even when alone, we are not alone, we remain one part of the one we are, together.

We are One, We are Many

*Brian Wilcox. 'We are One, We are Many'. Flickr

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A continuance of encounters with a sage who did not see himself as a sage, but others did; from Brian K. Wilcox. "Meetings with an Anonymous Sage."

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Said the sage...

a window never closed
opened wide even in
the silences

that all
may freely
come and go

for the heart is welcoming
without thought of welcome
loving without intent to love

and the solitude of the most-inward Temple
where you kneel, no one seen, alone
you kneel with all who are and have gone

for solitude
is fullness, is more
not loss, not less

the rose
a rose the rose
is, cannot not be

so Life
a sky in which moves freely
the tender breathings of God

and wingless kisses
descend to Earth
to touch the faces of gold and dirt

and the guest the host
while the host the guest
we are, have always been, shall always be

in this Communion happening and before its happening, while
some say "my" life, "your" life, "our" life
yet more, I say, Something unnameable... ~
yes, even more than can be said saying "love"

Recall, the silences are Life, as the silences live in Life. Life breathes as quietness, even as laughter. While in the quiet, apart, you are part, you cannot not be. The whole lives in you, you in the whole. No grain of sand, whether on shore with its kin or taken from its native home to a strange sandless place, is together still, for home and those of home go with us, never to depart. And this togetherness, even when one is apart, gives the heart its longing for those present, now unseen, that one may see them again and relish their faces and celebrate their voices, as before, and that spirit may move silently among them all, like breezes moving among the limbs of the tree, singing of the coming of Spring. Your apartness is togetherness, your togetherness apartness; yes, your aloneness intimacy, and your intimacy aloneness. So, when entering the silences, alone, remember you are not alone, you are with everyone and everything in a different manner, but together you are and always shall be, even as that whole cannot be but whole, for wholeness is wholeness eternally. The melody changes, but the song remains, even as one face can become the face sad and the face joyful. So, entering the silences, in Silence, be there as one with all, seen and unseen, before and now and to be, and this knowledge of togetherness will enrich the hushed abidings wherein you inhale the breath of Life. This heart is Life, and Life is this heart, and Life is sharing, not this and that, but sharing itself, the mingling of being-in-being, yes, all-being-in-God-being, this one kinship, with no separation between ocean and shore, day and night, dawn and dusk, happiness and sadness, gain and loss, birth and death. For in this fellowship we cannot die. While one lives, we live, for we live one, and death cannot touch this we are, as surely as birth itself is not finally that born, but that which only appears in a manner before unseen, to be seen and, now, for a time, loved in its form, then given back, in love by love, after its sacred pilgrimage here, into the arms of God.

a touching community

*Brian Wilcox. 'a touching community'. Flickr

(C)Brian K. Wilcox, 2019

*The theme of "Lotus of the Heart" is 'Living in Love beyond Beliefs.' This work is presented by Brian K. Wilcox, of Maine, USA. You can order Brian's book An Ache for Union: Poems on Oneness with God through Love, through major online booksellers.


Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > the one essence welcoming presence

©Brian Wilcox 2025